Here is why?
In addition to knowledge sharing, a blog reveals the human side of you. It is a place where one can express views, share opinions, knowledge and invite feedback on trendy topics to promote oneself or one’s brand in a positive light.
A blog is helpful when you want to show yourself as an expert in something – technology, marketing, parenting, a dog lover, a traveler, or a connoisseur of art, to name a few. You can write a blog on topics that are close to your heart, that you follow ardently, or have acquired knowledge about, over the years, to help others. A blog shows that you are an expert.
When and if a crisis hits, your blog can be your big savior to transform your negative publicity. Yes, as it shines a light on your personality – the lighter or, the softer side of you behind that important chair you hold in your profession. Your Personal Brand Reputation matters!
A blog is an essential marketing tool to promote your brand. It is beneficial for SEO reasons. Consistent blogging can bring your credentials on top in the Google Search Engine Ranking Pages, which means more potential traffic to your blog or website, translating into more leads for you.
You can even get paid by blogging regularly! It can be your side hustle.
A blog allows you to connect with a like-minded community of people—a great networking tool to encourage engagements and flow of information, thus strengthening bonds.
It’s therapeutic to write a blog. Expressing your ideas, emotions, and knowledge can be helpful to release your stress in a big way. Your writing can help emotionally connect with people facing similar situations in life and help you find friends who think like you. A great channel where you are the celebrity writer for your owned media, the blog.
Getting started with a blog can be intimidating at first. How to write one?
Define your area of interest and label it as a category. You can choose up to 5 category types. Switching from one type to another can help break the monotony and encourage you to write regularly. To make your blog interesting, write keeping in mind your audience. Make it conversational. Make is problem-solving.
There are several blog templates available that you can download to get started. Writing in the third person or first person depends on the nature of your post. As long as it flows, sounds logical, and addresses the need, your blog is good to go. Use “Grammarly” for editing before publishing the blog to avoid grammatical errors. A catchy headline with keywords is essential.
I provide blog designs and blog writing services to help you get started and maintain your blog in the long run. When blogging is not possible, we can back it up for you. You can write to me at
Get traffic to your blog. How to do SEO?
Search Engine Optimization for your blog can help you tremendously. In simple words, more traffic to your blog by ranking on the first few search pages. Once you have written your blog, check for keywords. For example, when typed in Google, keywords should bring up the link to your blog. Use these in the title and body of the blog post and the blog description, title tags, and meta tags in every blog panel. Interlinking blogs help your readers find more similar content. Indeed, it is of great value to your blog. Provide external links in a new window for external sources (images, shopping, other sites, research papers, etc.). Optimize your images for size, title, alt-text.
Engage with your reader. What do you want your reader to do?
The blog is your expression, view, knowledge about a domain. Once you have empowered and informed your reader through the blog, what do you want them to do next? Drop feedback, ask you questions, subscribe to your products or services, download a book or case study or reading material? Adding a call-to-action (CTA) at the bottom of your blog is helpful.
Write a blog that is informative, interesting, engaging, and experiential. In the end, give your conclusion to the blog with a small introduction of yourself.
Generally seen, entrepreneurs don’t write regularly due to time scarcity. If they start writing a blog consistently, they will establish themselves as experts in the domain, help others with valuable information, and build a positive brand reputation for themselves or the brands they represent. Sometimes, a blog can be around hobbies and interests with very little to do with the work profile. A travel blog, for instance, with beautiful pictures, says a lot!